Chris Padilla/Blog

My passion project! Posts spanning music, art, software, books, and more. Equal parts journal, sketchbook, mixtape, dev diary, and commonplace book.

    Animal Gestures

    The week in sketches!

    Playing with more gesture studies 🦜

    Tucan Pup and butterfly Hippo

    Typing β€” Strong vs Weak and Static vs Dynamic

    Two axis of typing, both with specific meanings:

    Static vs Dynamic

    This dimension answers the question "are types checked at runtime or compile time?"

    TypeScript, Go, and C# are languages that assert types at compile time. If there's a type error, your program simply won't compile (or transpile, in TypeScript's case.)

    Dynamically typed languages are only asserted at runtime. With JavaScript, for example, you could ship code that will break due to a type mismatch, but may seem fine in the text editor.

    In static typed languages like TypeScript, Go, C#, Java, etc., a variable on declaration requires a type. Here's an example in each language:

    let name : string = "Chris" // TypeScript
    let name = "Chris" // TypeScript infers the string type
    var tickets uint = 2 // Go
    price := 3 // Go infers type with the shorthand
    String city = "Dallas" // Java
    string state = "Texas" // C#

    In a case like this, I wouldn't be able to change any of the string variables to an int and vice versa. An error will occur at some point letting me know that I've passed an incorrect value to a variable.

    So another way of looking at it is "do my variables hold the type or my values?" Though, we'll see exceptions to this in the next section.

    In JavaScript, Ruby, and Python, the value maintains the type, not the variable. Here's an example in python:

    favorite_pizza = "Cheese"
    favorite_pizza = 100

    Strong vs Weak

    This dimension is a bit more nuanced. In simple terms, this question answers "Can I work around those types?"

    Here's a common example of weak typing in JavaScript:

    // JavaScript
    const a = 1;
    const b = "1"
    const c = a + b; // "11"

    Python is considered strongly typed, but we don't declare our types. We can't, however, do the above JavaScript string and int addition.

    In strongly type languages, conversions need to be explicit. You would need to write something like this to add a string and int:

    1 + int("1")

    So, Python is a dynamic, strongly typed language.

    TypeScript is the opposite of Python. While being statically typed, it's still weakly typed, because JavaScript is weakly typed. This still runs without errors:

    const a int = 1
    const b string = '1'
    console.log(a + b) // 11

    That makes TypeScript a weak, statically language.

    Beethoven - German Dance No. 1

    Listen on Youtube


    Ah, Ketchup...

    The week in sketches!

    Braving the world of gestural figure drawing. And still wrangling the digital pen.

    There's no love like the love between Pikachu and a Ketchup buttle...


    So many frogs in my feeds

    Fun pose!!


    An Intro to Redis

    I had the pleasure of taking a look at the Redis server at work this week! So here are some notes from my own exploration β€”

    What is Redis?

    Redis is a fully fledged database for storing and persisting various types and shapes of data. The name is short for "Remote Dictionary Server"

    A few key features:

    • Redis stores data in-memory. RAM is used instead of disc space to store data
    • It is a NoSQL Key/Value Store
    • Redis has a built in master/replica pattern. Replica servers can defer to changes in master

    The in-memory approach to storing data, in addition to its ability to maintain a master/replica patterns makes it a great fit for being the cache server for applications.

    Redis can support multiple database forms by expanding on the "Core" format of key-value pairs. Plugins such as RediSearch, RediGraph, RedisJSON, and RedisTimeseries can support other database models like those used by Elastisearch, Graph based such as Neo4J, and MongoDB.

    In a microservice environment, Redis can shine as a cache for multiple databases that have varied data models. Latency is often introduced when multiple services rely on multiple connections to different datasources on top of communicating with one another. Using Redis as a cache on request, then updating the cache if the data differs, can keep a group of microservices lean and quick.

    How Does Data Persist?

    If you opt to use Redis as a primary database, it begs the question: What happens when the server fails?

    The safest way is through replicas. Similar to using Redis as a distributed cache, you can use replicas as back ups. But then again, what if ALL of these fail?

    There are a couple of ways this is mitigated:

    Snapshotting (dump.rdb files)

    • Can be stored on a disc at intervals of 5 minutes or an hour
    • These are good for backups and disaster recovery
    • You would lose an data stored between the last backup and the failure

    Append Only File

    • Logs every write operation continuously to the disk
    • When restarting, it will use the AOF to rebuild the DB
    • Slower restarts
    • Potential for bugs in the AOF engine.

    The best approach is to use both. Redis recommends a mixed approach and goes into great detail on persistence in their documentation.

    From here, you can store those persisted files in a cloud environment separate from Redis. The multiple-location approach firms up the reliability of the system.

    Setting Values With an Expiration

    Most of the juicy details are in how Redis is implemented in your application or cloud environment. The actually interface from the application is pretty simple.

    Here's an example of setting a value with an expiration of 6 hours in Python:

    import redis
    redis_client = redis.Redis(...options)
    namespace = "comments"
    user = "Chris"
    message = "I love Redis!"
    target = f'{namespace}:{user}'
    r.set(target, value= message, ex=60*60*6)
    # Do more work...
    user_comment = r.get(target) # "I love Redis!"

    After 6 hours, if we were to try and get the value, there would be none since it would be cleared from the cache.

    Someday My Prince Will Come - Churchill

    Listen on Youtube

    πŸ‰ 🏰 🌌


    Sketches from this week!

    Went to Reef-a-palooza with my folks this last weekend! Like anime conventions, but for coral and clownfish (and there was a cosplayer!)

    My dad said this made it look like he was walking the fish

    Started watching an MST3K classic β€” Cave Dwellers!

    "I'm huge!"

    Still doing loads of gestures. This new-fangled digital pen takes some wrangling!

    Chameleon Twist Vibes

    And, lastly, I'm braving my own album art illustration! This guy will be making an appearance:

    Forest Frog sends his greetings from space!

    Goroutines, Structs, and Pointers in Go

    A potpourri of Go features I dove into this week!


    Last week I looked at the Maps data type. It works similar to a JS Object, except all values must be the same type.

    Structs in Go are a data structure for saving mixed Data Type values. Here's what they look like:

    // Type Declaration
    type UserData struct {
        firstName string
        lastName string
        email string
        numberOfTickets uint
    // Can then be used in array or slice
    var sales = make([]UserData, 0)
    var userData = UserData {
        firstName: "Chris",
        lastName: "Padilla,
        email: "",
        numberOfTickets: 2,
    // accessing values:
    // in a map, you would use bracket syntax
    // booking["firstName"]

    This is comparable to a lightweight class in languages like Java and C#. And, of course, the type declaration will look familiar to any TypeScript users.


    This is what I've been waiting for!

    Goroutines are the key ingredient for Go's main benefit: Lightweight and easy to use concurrency.

    The strengths of Go over other languages:

    • Less overhead structurally
    • Less complex to write and manage
    • Threads in other language are more expensive as far as memory used compared to Go

    Goroutines are an abstraction of an actual OS thread. They're cheaper and lightweight, meaning you can run hundreds of thousands or even millions without affecting the performance of your application.

    Java uses OS threads, takes a longer startup time. Additionally, those threads don't have an easy means of communicating with each other. That's made possible through channels in Go, a topic for another day!

    Sample Code

    The syntax for firing off a concurrent function is pretty simple:

    // Do something expensive and Block the thred
    // Now try this non-blocking approach, creating a second goroutine
    go sendTickets()

    There's a bit of extra work needed to align the separate Goroutine with your main function. If the above code was all that was in our program, the execution would exit before the result from sendTickets() was reached.

    Go includes sync in it's standard library to help with this:

    import (
    var wg = sync.WaitGroup{}
    go sendTickets()
    func sendTickets() {
        // Do something that takes a while.

    When we create a Wait Group, we're essentially creating a counter that will keep track of how many concurrent methods have fired. We add to that counter before starting the routine with wg.Add(1) and then note when we want to hold for those goroutines to end with wg.Wait()

    Already, with this, interesting possibilities are now available! Just like in JavaScript, you can set up a Promise.all() situation on the server to send off multiple requests and wait for them all to return.


    Pointers are the address in memory of a variable. Pointers are used to reduce memory usage and increase performance.

    The main use case is in passing large variables to functions. Just like in JavaScript, when you pass an argument to a function, a copy is made that is then used within that function. If you were to pass the pointer instead here, that would be far less strain on the app's memory

    func bookTickets(largeTicketObject TicketObj) string {
        // Do stuff with this large object
        return "All set!"

    Also, if we made changes to this object and wanted the side effect of adjusting that object outside the function, they wouldn't take effect. We could make those changes with pointers, though.

    To store the pointer in a var, prepend & to the variable name:

    x := 5
    xPointer = &x
    // Set val through pointer
    *xPointer = 64
    fmt.Println(i) // 64

    Faber - Fantasia Con Spirito

    Listen on Youtube

    Spooky music month! This one feels very "Cave of Wonders" from Aladdin. πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈ

    Jet Set Radio Vibes

    I give one listen to the Jet Set Radio Soundtrack, and now I get some funny 90s hip hop inspired ditties in my recomendations. Not bad!

    Ref'd 2D from Gorillaz for this guy, too

    Been doing lots of gesture drawing digitally to help get used to the pen. It's a surprising jump from traditional to wacom!

    Take courage!

    Lastly, I'm sorry to say that Anthony Clark bore the horrible news: #Warioctober has arrived.

    I've tried to escape it, but the punishment for skipping out is much more fowl than the ritual itself.


    Tourist's Guide to Go

    I'm dipping my toes into Go! I became interested after hearing about how accessible it makes multi-threaded logic to coordinate, especially on cloud platforms.

    I've been there with JavaScript and Python: it could be handly for processes running in tandem having the ability to communicate. Seems like Go opens this communication channel in a way that's easier to manage than a language such as Java. (All from hearsay, since I've not dabbled in Java just yet.)

    I'm excited to dig into all that! But, as one does, first I'm relearning how string templating works in the new language:

    Compile Time Errors

    When getting ready to run a main.go file, checks will be made to ensure there aren't any procedural errors. Go checks for unused variables, ensures types match, and that there are no syntax errors. A nice feature for a server side language, keeping the feedback loop tight!

    Static Typing

    Like C# and Java, Go is statically typed. On declaration, variables need to be assigned a type.

    var numberOfCats uint

    When assigning, the type can be inferred:

    const conferenceTickets = 50


    Constants and mutable variables exist here. Somewhat like JavaScript, the const keyword works, and var functions similarly to how it does in JavaScript. No let option here.

    A shorthand for declaring var is with := :

    validEmail := strings.Contains(email, "@")

    This does not work with the const keyword, though.

    Slices and Arrays

    Arrays, similar to how they work in lower level languages, must have a set length defined on declaration:

    var bookings [50]string

    Slices, however, are a datatype built on top of Arrays that allow for flexibility.

    var names []string

    Both require that all elements be of the same type, hence the string type following [].


    Maps in Go are synonymous with Dictionaries in Python and Objects in JavaScript. Assigning properties can be done with the angle bracket syntax:

    newUser := make(map[string]string)
    newUser["firstName"] = userName
    newUser["email"] = email
    newUser["tickets"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(userTickets), 10)

    Maps can be declared with the make function:

    newUser := make(map[string]string)

    For Loops

    There's only one kind of For loop in Go. Syntactically, it looks similar to Python where you provide a range from a list to loop through:

    for _, value := range bookings {
        names := strings.Fields(value)
        firstName := names[0]
        firstNames = append(firstNames, firstName)

    Range here is returning an index and a value. Go will normally error out if there are unused variables. So to denote an intentional skip of the index property, the underscore _ will signal to go that we're ignoring this one.


    Like C# Namespaces, files in go can be grouped together as a package. You can do so with the package keyword at the top of the file:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {...}

    Notice "pet-app/cats": here we can import our packages within the same directory with this syntax. "pet-app" is the app name in the generated "go.mod" file, and "cats" is the package name.

    Public and Private Functions

    By default, functions are scoped to the file. To make it public, use a capital letter in your function name so it may be used when imported:

    func BookTickets(name string) string {
        // Logic here
        return res

    Parkening - Spanish Dance

    Seals EVERYWHERE!!

    Drawings and Sketches from this week!

    Seals are way too fun to sit down and sketch out.

    Seals debating

    Seal chillin

    Are these seals?

    These seals look like people???

    Migrating Blog Previews from SSR to SSG in Next

    I've re-thought how I'm rendering my blog pages.

    When I developed the site initially, I wasn't too worried about the difference between SSR and SSG. If anything, I wanted to lean on server rendering blog content so scheduled posts would load after their posting time passed.

    Since then, my workflow has changed over to always publishing posts when I push the changes to GitHub. Posts are markdown files that are saved in the same repo as this site, so anytime a new post goes up, the site is rebuilt.

    All that to say that I've been missing out on a juicy optimization opportunity with Next's static page generation!

    So it's just as easy as switching the function name from getServerSideProps over to getStaticProps, right? Not quite in my case!

    Page Structure

    The pages that I'm looking to switch over are my blog feed pages. So that includes:

    • /blog
    • /blog/[tag]
    • /blog/[tag]/[page]

    /blog is easy enough!

    /blog/[tag] is the landing page for any of that tags clicked on either in a post or on my homepage. Tags could be what I have listed as "primary tags" such as "music", "art", or "tech." They could also be smaller tags, such as "React" that I have linked on individual blog pages, but that I don't list on my landing page or blog index page.

    Some of those tags are now rendering content through pagination! So I have to take into account [page] numbers as well.

    To get the full benefit of Static rendering with dynamic routes, I'll have to provide the routes that I want generated. Next has a fallback to server render requests that don't have a static page, so I'll exclude my smaller tags and focus in on the primary tags. I'll also want to generate the paginated links, measure how many pages need to be rendered per tag.


    getStaticPaths is the function where I'll be passing in my routes. This is added outside of the component alongside getStaticProps to then generate the content for those routes.

    For Tags Rendered as a List Page

    This is pretty straightforward for tag pages. Just one level of looping involved:

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
      return {
        paths: getBlogTagParams(),
        fallback: 'blocking',
    const getBlogTagParams = () => {
      const tagsDisplayedAsList = ['books', 'notes', 'tech', 'art', 'music'];
      return => {
        return {
          params: {

    For Paginated Tags

    For music and art, it's one more level of looping and a few more lines of code:

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
      return {
        paths: getBlogPageParams(),
        fallback: 'blocking',
    const getBlogPageParams = () => {
      const allPostFields = ['title', 'date', 'hidden', 'tags'];
      const allPosts = getAllPosts(allPostFields);
      const publishedPosts = allPosts.filter(filterBlogPosts);
      const res = [];
      const fullPostPreviewTags = ['art', 'music'];
      fullPostPreviewTags.forEach((tag) => {
        const capitalizedTag = capitalizeFirstLetter(tag);
        const regex = new RegExp(capitalizedTag, 'i');
        let thisTagsPosts = publishedPosts.filter((post) =>
          post.tags.some((e) => regex.test(e))
        const count = thisTagsPosts.length;
        const lastPage = Math.ceil(count / 5);
        const pageNumbers = Array.from({ length: lastPage }, (_, i) =>
          (i + 1).toString()
        const tagSlug = lowercaseFirstLetter(tag);
        const thisTagAndPageParams = => ({
          params: {
            tag: tagSlug,
            page: pageNum,
      const feedCount = publishedPosts.length;
      const feedLastPage = Math.ceil(feedCount / 5);
      const feedPageNumbers = Array.from({ length: feedLastPage }, (_, i) =>
        (i + 1).toString()
      const feedTagAndPageParams = => ({
        params: {
          tag: 'feed',
          page: pageNum,
      return res;

    There's a fair amount of data massaging in there. The key point of note is that for each tag, I'm calculating the number of pages by dividing total posts by how many are rendered to each page:

        const count = thisTagsPosts.length;
        const lastPage = Math.ceil(count / 5);
        const pageNumbers = Array.from({ length: lastPage }, (_, i) =>
          (i + 1).toString()

    From there, then it's a matter of piping that into the params object for getStaticPaths

    VoilΓ ! Now the site won't need to parse every blog post to render each of these preview pages! The static file will already have been generated and ready to go on request.

    Floating Improv

    Listen on Youtube


    The backing is prerecorded, but Miranda from the other room thought that I just got WAY better all of a sudden πŸ˜‚