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    How Long Is a Piece of String?

    How much time does it really take to get fulfillment out of a creative practice?

    I love taking on big projects. It's thrilling to see something grow over time, a song come together note by note, or a drawing take shape stroke by stroke.

    There have been times in my life where a project has been all consuming, where my thoughts were on it night and day. Going on the hunt is a thrill of it's own.

    When things get busy, though, I have my go-to's for simply keeping my hand in it.

    Some days it's just pecking at the piano. Others it's plucking strings. Sometimes it's a sketch over break. 5 minutes here, another 10 there.

    I'm grateful for that. When the days fill up with obligation, and I sit down to play a few notes right before bed, that's enough to make the magic happen. I'm continually surprised by how little it takes to tap into something bigger.

    James Gurney and Art as an Expression of Nature

    A wonderful read in it's entirety on James Gurney's Substack. From "Should Art Be About Personal Expression?":

    Many of the greatest works of art have come from enigmatic individuals like Shakespeare, Vermeer, and Homer, about whom we know very little. And perhaps it doesn’t matter. The miracle of their work is that the range of their emotional expression seems to extend beyond the scope of a single person’s experience.

    Each of these creators looked into themselves, but in so doing, they saw beyond themselves.

    Ultimately, we end up starting from a place where we're trying to express what feels like is uniquely our's. But, the further and further you go, the more you start to see yourself more as a vessel. What pours out of the brush and pen and piano and terminal are alignments with a greater Truth.

    Deploying TypeScript to AWS Lambda

    In the early days of TypeScript, one of the larger barriers to entry was the setup required. Setting your configuration and checking if external packages ship with types took upfront work. On top of it all, neither Node nor the browser reads TypeScript directly, so transpiling to JavaScript is required for those environments.

    Much has improved since. Libraries ship with types and spinning up a project has been streamlined.

    Below I'll share some of the tooling that's helped simplify TypeScript setup.

    The Project

    I'll be working on setting up a TypeScript project that will deploy to AWS Lambda. I'll skip the details that are specific to Lambda setup and focus on TypeScript itself.

    For this to work, there are a few things we'll want to make happen:

    1. Setup Type Checking
    2. Setup a Build Process
    3. Optionally: Select a TypeScript Runtime

    Type Checking

    The biggest benefit of TypeScript comes from... well, the static type checking! An editor such as VS Code can lint these for you while you develop. Though, the intended safeguarding comes from compile time type checking.

    TypeScript comes with this out of the box. Here's how you can set it up:

    First, we'll install TypeScript globally through npm:

    npm install -g typescript

    With that comes tsc, the TypeScript Compiler.

    If you haven't already, you'll want to initialize your project with a tsconfig.json file. This command gets you started:

    tsc --init

    Here's a starting place for your ts config:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es2020",
        "module": "es2020",
        "strict": true,
        "skipLibCheck": true,
      "ts-node": {
        "compilerOptions": {
          "module": "commonjs"
      "exclude": ["node_modules", "**/*.test.ts"]

    Lastly, to compile, it's as simple as this command:

    tsc index.ts

    This will spit out a corrseponding JavaScript file in your project with the types stripped out.

    Worth noting: You can also check for types without compiling with the --noEmit flag.

    tsc index.ts --noEmit

    Testing Locally

    You may notice above the ts-node option in my config. ts-node is an engine for executing TS files using the node runtime — without having to transpile your code first.

    What we would have to do without ts-node is generate our JS files as we did above, such as with tsc index.ts. An index.js file would then be generated. From there, we would run node index.js.

    Instead, with ts-node, we would simply call ts-node index.ts.

    ts-node comes with many more features, but a single-command way of running TS files from the CLI is the quickest benefit.

    Bundling with ESBuild

    Typically, we reach for bundling solutions with client side JavaScript and TypeScript to minimize our file sizes, speeding up site load times. While you wouldn't normally need to bundle server side code, the current AWS Lambda limit is 250 MBs. The node_modules directory would easily eat that up without a bundling strategy!

    The library of choice today is ESbuild, which handles TypeScript, JSX, ESM & CommonJS modules, and more.

    You might ask: If you're going to bundle your code, why did we bother looking at compiling with tsc?

    There are several tools that will run and build TypeScript without actually validating your types, and ESBuild is one of them! When developing your build pipeline, it's likely that you'll need a separate step to validate the types with tsc.

    Here is what the build script looks like using ESBuild:

    esbuild ./src/index.ts --bundle --sourcemap --platform=neutral --target=es2020 --outfile=dist/index.js

    A couple of options to explain:

    • sourcemap: This generates a .map.js file which is used for error handling. This makes sane debugging possible even after bundling and minifying.
    • platform=neutral: Sets default output to esm, using the export syntax.
    • target=es20202: Targets a specific JS spec, also including esm modules.

    Picking a Runtime

    If including esm modules in your generated JS files, be sure you're using a runtime that supports them. For example, Node 13 can handle them out of the box, while earlier versions require an experimental flag.

    When deploying to Lambda, Node is a first class citizen when it comes to support. While not quite as blazingly fast as Rust, a Lambda function running node will still be highly performant.

    If you're interested in delightful DX and native TypeScript support however, you may reach for Deno or Bun.

    I'll baton pass this portion of the article to two relevant docs: The AWS Lambda Developer Guide on Building with TypeScript and the Bun Lambda Layer package. Whichever you chose, both should be great starting places for deploying your runtime of choice.

    Peg O My Heart

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    Another swing at chord melody!

    City Sunset


    Thinking back to a visit to Chicago...